OrchidE Version 2022.1.2: Improvements for imported playbooks and inventories

OrchidE 2022.1.2.0

OrchidE 2022.1.2.0 comes with more inspections and improvements for imported playbooks.

A new inspection checks if a used Ansible task without namespace leads to an ambiguity. The listed namespaces in the collections keyword are taken into account.

Unique Ansible Tasks

Import playbook

In playbooks imported from other playbooks (via import_playbook) the keywords ‘vars’ and ‘vars_files’ are now also supported. This means that variables defined with vars/vars_files are used for navigation, code completion and for the inspection ‘Undefined Variables’.

The feature also supports cascaded imports from playbooks.

Private role vars

For navigation, code completion and the inspection “Undefined Variables”, “private role vars” are now also taken into account in Jinja2 templates.

Private role vars

Jinja2 templates

In Jinja2 templates there is now a status bar that displays a breadcrumb of Jinja expressions.

Breadcrumb in Jinja2 templates


To have improved support for navigation, quick documentation, code completion and inspections in inventory variable files there is the OrchidE Role Annotation.

A new intention and inspection support to add the annotation afterwards.

If the warning for the missing annotation is not desired, it can be configured or disabled in the settings (Settings ➞ Editor ➞ Inspections ➞ Ansible: ‘Missing role annotation’).

Role annotation inspection & intention


  • Bugfix: Quick fix ‘Create group/host variable’ shows too many possibilities. (Also unsupported meta/argument spec files are shown).
  • Bugfix: Error when a Vault file is opened in the IntelliJ editor and decrypted outside of IntelliJ.
  • Bugfix: Variable values / resolved references of Jinja2 templates are not displayed as inlay in IntelliJ 2022.3.</li>


Support for IntelliJ platform 2021.1 is deprecated and will end with the release of IntelliJ platform 2023.1.