OrchidE Version 2020.1.1: Quick Documentation Support for Ansible Modules

OrchidE 2020.1.1.0: Quick Documentation Support for Ansible Modules

In version 2020.1.1.0 OrchidE supports the display of the documentation for Ansible modules.

Quick documentation support

The IntelliJ Quick Documentation Popup and Tool Window now displays documentation on ansible modules and arguments.

OrchidE shows the description of modules and their arguments. Included is the description, the requirements and notes, the documentation on arguments, return values and examples.

The documentation is not part of the plugin and must be installed after the installation/update of the OrchidE plugin.

To install the documentation, open the dialog File | Settings | Languages & Frameworks | OrchidE | Extension, set the download directory and download the OrchidE Definition Archive. After that a restart of IntelliJ is necessary.

Configuration dialog OrchidE extension


  • Bugfix: Fixed the parser error when using “/” in calculations within Jinja2 templates.