OrchidE Version 2019.1.9: Support for custom directory layout, changes and bug fixes

OrchidE 2019.1.9.0: Changes, bug fixes and support for custom directory layout for Ansible files

In version 2019.1.9.0, pattern matching can now be configured to detect Ansible playbooks, roles and variables. This means that any folder structure can now be used with OrchidE and roles and playbooks can be created in any parent folder.

Settings for detection of Ansible files

Folding now supports more elements - playbooks, keywords, tasks, modules, module arguments, blocks, multi-line text, lists and dictionaries are now supported.

To fully expand and collapse all elements, you must activate the folding in the settings. (File | Settings | Editor | OrchidE | Section Folding)

The default setting still only considers tasks and top-level variables.

Folding settings dialog

Other changes

  • Change: when inserting modules with “free_from” argument via code completion, no line break is inserted anymore (shell, command, import_tasks, …)
  • Change: support tag !unsafe for raw strings
  • Change: improvements and fixes for indent on enter feature
  • Bugfix: fixes various parser errors for Ansible filter