OrchidE 2019.1.4.0: minor changes and bug fixes
Version 2019.1.4.0 of OrchidE now also allows “yaml” as file extension and brings some bugfixes.
- Change: it is now also possible to use the file extension yaml for Ansible files.
- Bugfix: when extracting selected text into a Jinja variable, too much text was cut if the cursor was at the end of the line.
- Bugfix: fixed the StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in the Jinja2 template parser.
- Bugfix: for Jinja variables the refactoring menu is now hidden (“Extract Variable/Constant”).
- Bugfix: fixed performance problem when opening the context menu in the editor and the refactor menu.
- Bugfix: fixed detection of group/host variable files with standard directory layout.